Mercy, Mary, & the Eucharist Pilgrimage 2015
Posted On March 24, 2015

Everything you need to know about our
upcoming Pilgrimage Retreat to Italy!!!
Italy, here we come!
Here’s the scoop on the “Mercy, Mary & the Eucharist” Pilgrimage Retreat to Italy that Donna and I will be leading with Fr. Chris Alar.
It’s an amazing itinerary — 12 days, 8 cities. We’ll see some of the most beautiful churches and shrines in the world, four Eucharistic miracle sites, the incorrupt body of St. Clare, the Holy House of Nazareth, the tomb of Padre Pio, the Catacombs, the Coliseum, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican (including a papal audience), and much more!
But it’s not just a pilgrimage … It’s a retreat as well.
Fr. Chris is Director of the Association of Marian Helpers (Fr. Joseph, MIC), at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA. He’s given Divine Mercy missions and retreats all over the country, and everybody loves him for his great homilies and his cheerful, pastoral spirit.
He’ll be celebrating Mass every day; I’ll be giving a series of short teachings and reflections; and Donna and I will be doing music for Masses, Holy Hours, and evening prayer services — not to mention the special “Hem of the Garment” Healing Service in Assisi!
And, who knows? Maybe we’ll throw in some Italian folk songs, just for fun.
We’re expecting this to fill up quickly, so if you’d like to join us, check out the brochure, and register right away. We’d love to have you with us!
And if you know of anyone else who might be interested, please share this info.
For more information, contact:
Select International Tours
Marianne Murphy
(For a larger, printable PDF version of the following brochure, please click the link below:
Mercy, Mary, & the Eucharist Pilgrimage.)