It’s Been a Busy October!
Posted On November 1, 2015

Lots going on this month! In the midst of trying to finish writing 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy I had to take a break to head up to Canada with Donna to give a talk at a conference there. Our hotel room had a spectacular view of Niagara Falls, it was incredible!
No sooner did we arrive home, then we had to get ready for our Annual Board meeting, which is always a fun and fruitful time for our Ministry. A few of the members came in from out of town, and we were able to take a good look at the blessings of this past year, discuss future projects, and make some decisions about how to move forward with the Ministry.
Only a week later, I left my manuscript in the hands of my editor (my daughter, Erin) and got on a plane to lead the pilgrimage to Italy. Talk about letting go! It was then sent to Ignatius Press and Lighthouse Catholic Media, who are putting it out together as their joint publication for the Jubilee Year.
I was so relieved to be done the writing process, which was more intense and laborious than any other book I’ve written. My hope is that it was so difficult because it’s an important book for our times, and I pray that the Lord accomplishes amazing things in the hearts of all those who read it. Please join me in praying for that intention!
But back to the Pilgrimage. Donna and I had been looking forward to this trip all summer, and it was a truly amazing spiritual experience. We were able to go to many beautiful, holy places, Fr. Chris celebrated Mass for the group every day, and I gave short teachings and provided music. To see all our pictures, check out our Pilgrimage album on the Facebook page!
While Donna and I were off on pilgrimage, Erin, Mary, and our designer Mary Flannery, held down the fort, working tirelessly to get 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy ready for press, and working with the Ignatius/ Lighthouse team on design and all last-minute corrections.
When we arrived back from Italy, we put the finishing touches on the book and it was sent off to the printer. Praise God! I can’t wait to see it when it arrives in only a month or so! It’s scheduled to be released on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Make sure to keep checking the website and Facebook page for updates!
Because I was working so exclusively on the book for the last six months, the conference in Canada was the first speaking engagement I was able to accept in some time. Those, along with the sale of our products and the generosity of our donors, are what keep this Ministry afloat. So, if you haven’t visited our online store recently, please take a look and see if there are books or CDs that you could give as gifts for your family, friends, priests, etc. We’d be very grateful also, if you accessories is what you prefer then please check the plantwear site!