The Flynn Brothers Sing Barbershop!
Posted On January 14, 2016

(Originally published in MercySong E-news, Issue No. 11. To read more, click here).
We hope you all had a beautiful and blessed Christmas season! It was a treat for Donna and me to have some of our kids home. Also, one of my older brothers (who lives with his wife in Japan) came back for his first Berkshire Christmas in over 40 years!
You can always count on a lot of music when the Flynns get together, and this was no exception. We grew up on opera, barbershop, Irish, folk, and of course the old religious hymns. Check out the video below of me and 2 of my brothers singing one of our favorites from the barbershop genre. One of the best parts is my youngest brother joking around with the ending. Hope you enjoy it! Family is a precious gift, and it was such fun to sing with my brothers again.
Hope you all have a blessed 2016, and may this Jubilee Year of Mercy be a time of deep, personal encounters with the Father of tenderness — for you, your family, and all those you meet.
Vinny & 2 of his brothers singing one of their old favorite songs at the family Christmas party!
(While their brother-in-law, who is a retired opera singer
— and one of the best voice coaches around —
looks on and their sister sings along from the side.)